Introducing Total Cookie Protection in Standard Mode
How does Total Cookie Protection work?
Firefox is here to protect you from third-parties who are tracking cookies and information about your browsing activity, without your knowledge or consent. These companies try to build a profile based on details of your online spending, health and other personal information, and sell it without you knowing.
Total Cookie Protection builds a fence around cookies, limiting them to the site you’re on so third parties can’t use those same tracking beacons to follow you from one site to the next. For example, if you visit Facebook, Facebook won’t be able to view your activity on Etsy, One Medical or your cousin’s cooking blog later.
For more information, check out our blog post on Total Cookie Protection.
What should I expect?
Total Cookie Protection will be turned on by default in standard browsing. There should be no noticeable effect on your browsing and sites should continue to work as before.
What kind of data do we collect?
Firefox doesn’t collect any of your personal data, other than your setting preference.
What do I do if a site seems broken?
If a site seems broken, try turning off Enhanced Tracking Protection. It allows trackers to load on that site only. Enhanced Tracking Protection will continue to block trackers on other sites.
- Click the
shield icon to the left of the address bar.
- Toggle the switch
at the top of the panel.
- This will turn off Enhanced Tracking Protection for this site. The page will reload automatically and allow trackers on this site on.
Follow the same process to turn Enhanced Tracking Protection back on.
Learn more about Enhanced Tracking Protection settings in Firefox.
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